Fluffy and Cloud Dough

The wonders of homemade playdough!

The real wonder of playdough is how everyone wants to play with it! Just make the dough and watch how adults and older children are also attracted to this “in the moment” sensory activity. Kneading, squashing, squeezing and rolling brings calm and enjoyment to all ages!

Fluffy Playdough

  • 1 cup cheap hair conditioner
  • 2 cups cornflour
  • Food colouring and essential oil (optional)

What to do:

  • Just mix together for the most silky, fluffy, stretchy dough!
  • (You may need to knead in extra cornflour until it is no longer sticky.)

Cloud Dough

  • 2 Cups Plain Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Baby Oil
  • Food colouring and essential oil (optional)

What to do:

  • Just mix together for a loose dough that can be pressed together like damp sand and moulded into shapes. (you can add more baby oil if you prefer it to stick together more)

For more recipes click the link on the sidebar.

Top Tip

Cooking is a great way develop sequencing. Sequencing words are later used to help with routines, story writing, talking about events etc Using sequencing words can be used everyday when talking through what you are doing. Cooking is a great time to use these words together as you follow simple instructions. Word such as now, next, then, after. Cooking with your child does not have to be a complicated recipe, in fact the simple ones are the best because its about the process now necessarily the outcome. Making things such as scrambled eggs, pancakes, milkshake.

How to make Cloud Dough

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