For Children 

12 - 24 Months

Between 12 and 24 months your toddler may be starting to say simple words, they are starting to understand more and may copy what adults say.

Let's Get Started
Eighty percent of your child’s physical brain development happens during the first 3 years. As their brain gets bigger, it also forms the connections it needs to think, learn, and process information. Talking to your child fires up those important connections in the part of the brain that handles language. The more words they hear, the stronger those mental connections get. That process can strengthen your child’s future language skills and their overall ability to learn. Of course, it’s not only your child’s brain that is important! Lots of talk from loving adults also helps to build healthy relationships and social skills. You are your child’s first and best teacher in matters of building trust, dealing with emotional and physical needs, and interacting with others in positive ways. All of these skills will be important for your child’s later success in school and beyond.

Games & Resources

Take a look at our resources and games specifically chosen for your child's age group here.


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Water Play

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Tips & Links

Discover our bite-sized tips to help your child's development and links to useful websites here.

Start for Life

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Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service

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At Home

Home is a place where your little one is most confident...

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you looking for advice about your child's learning and development? We answer your frequently asked questions here.

Get in touch

For further support or advice, please feel free to contact us on the email address below.
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A Mackman Group collaboration - market research by Mackman Research | website design by Mackman

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